I rarely get any sleep most of the time, but on particular days in the life of Izaq Dumlao, I managed to finish reading a book called "The Case of the Missing Boyfriend" by Nick Alexander. It was a pretty OK book in my opinion. It was well thought out, very informative and there are a couple of things you can't forget and pick up along the way. One of the things I picked up from this book was a law I never really heard of until now. In the words of the book:
"Mona's Law apparently stares that everyone wants three things -- that happiness is made up of a three piece jigsaw: a good relationship, a nice place to live, and a good job. Mona's law stares that it is mathematically impossible to maintain more than two out of the three. The reason that Mona's Law appears so true is that the human brain is by nature dissatisfied.
Dissatisfaction is one of the defining features of being human, and if it were not the case we would still be happily living in trees and eating bananas. The way we modern apes channel our dissatisfaction is to look at our three-piece puzzle and focus all of our capacity for dissatisfaction on the least successful third of our lives until the situation becomes, or at least appears to become, untenable. Equally, the human brain, unable to think about more than one problem at a time, creates a rosy pretence that the other two thirds are, for now at least, just dandy.
So when we're in a bad relationship we throw ourselves with relief at our jobs. It's not that the job is perfect, it's simply that we are too busy funneling our angst at the unsatisfactory home-life to care. We need to pretend that the job and the flat are fine just to survive. Equally, the day we fall in love, the job doesn't actually get any worse... it's simply that because we no longer need it to escape the awful ex (and because we would rather stay in bed shagging) we direct our angst at the job."
Now, how true is that, ladies and gentlemen? We are all very dissatisfied people, what is your say?
Another thing I picked up on that little e-book of mine was depression. No, it's not what you think. Just read it:
Depression is a feeling that comes from three things:
1. The feeling of unworthiness.
2. The feeling of hopelessness.
3. The feeling of entrapment.
To get over rubbish like this:
Step 1. Know your problems.
Step 2. Plan a solution for your problems.
Step 3. Imagine your solutions are already reality.
Step 4. Forget the negative, go with positive.
Step 5. Take action to making your solutions a reality.
Okay, so the protagonist of the book was reading a self-help book. But hey, a little knowledge wouldn't hurt every once in a while now would it? Enjoy.
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