Tuesday, June 7

to the low-tech.

The people of yesterday call our generation 'lucky'. If there was ever a conversation you had with an adult, one of them would probably be about the time where there was no internet, cell phones and what not. How communicating with anybody in the world would be via snail mail, long distance travel or excessive screaming on your balcony to your neighbor. How doing anything back then was relatively harder than it is now. How courting a woman back then was insanely hard to do compared to the women of today.

I thought it'd be nice to talk about my experiences with social networking sites since I've got a whole lot under my belt. I still remember the day I started becoming such a geek with computers. My mum thought it would be nice to make myself an e-mail (I was around 9 or 10 years old). I used it specifically for online games and talking to friends (at 10, yes I know). It's the e-mail I've stuck with ever since.

I remember the day I made a Facebook. While everybody was on Friendster and spamming the shit out of it, I apparently got bored of the daily routine of checking it for the sake of talking to friends and having that stupid status crap going, I was looking for a different website to get sick of. I spotted myspace, which looked freaking disgusting in my opinion, and then I spotted Facebook. When I signed up, I realized that only a handful of my friends had a Facebook. I thought it would be funny to hog the website to myself. I stuck to that ever since.

Going even way back, I remember the day I made a Friendster account. Mum was always a very protective parent, and I was not allowed to do a whole lot of shit in the internet, like download and all. She was afraid some pedophile would add me up on the site or I'd end up seeing porn (Which I didn't, I swear! ... Well, on that site at least. Boys will be boys, shut up). A few of my friends already had Friendster accounts, where I told my mum. She reluctantly gave in and told me I could make one. I still have the account active with all its glory even though I don't use it anymore.

There was also that time where I made a Tumblr account. Back when only a handful of people had one in Brunei, I made one for the sake of stalking a friend of mine and mindfucking her into thinking I was some totally awesome guy she'd fall madly in love with. She "figured out" my intentions a week later and called me stupid for thinking I'd be able to pull it off. I was doomed from the start anyway, she knew my plan before I even started and just played along to mindfuck me instead. I still have the account which I use it daily (I stopped using it for a year or two back then though).

The best memory I have of social networks on the internet would be the day I made a Twitter account. Back then I always thought Twitter was some piece of shit website I would never, ever like. A couple of my friends were already trying to convince me on signing up. I refused and refused and insulted everyone who had one. I even mocked it. I told myself if there was one thing I'd never have in my entire life, it'd be a Twitter account. The next day, I gave up and made one. It's been my whole life since. *sigh*

It's been years, and I've still got them active. I'm such an internet geek. It's only a matter of time until I decide to make a post on the online games I've played which were ju- Actually, I don't wanna go there. Let's leave this as it is.

Oh and if you're a stalker or just plain curious, I've got links to the ones I still use on the sidebar where it says "PROFILE". I don't know how some of you can even overlook that, but just click the word and it'll take you there.


I'm going to sleep. If anyone's interested, I'll be on MSN later at around 2-3AM. Send me a friend request if you're interested in having a chat. Yahoo!, AIM or whatever you decide to use, I think it's already possible to inter chat (Use a Yahoo! messenger to chat with someone using an MSN messenger for example).

Either that, or send me an e-mail as a substitute for snail mail or something. I'm just that bored to be honest. School supposedly starts next week and I don't know if I've enrolled or not yet. Whatever, man. Truth be told, I just want attention. Mmmmmmmmm.. Attention.

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