Wednesday, July 27

it comes and goes like the strength in your bones.

Life's been so busy. You know that feeling you get when you've got so much to do, and you just want to do all of it, and there's just not enough time to do any of it? Yeah, I've got to go through that everyday. I've got lots of stuff to do, and it's going good.

I'm campaigning to get in the SDB. I'm in this U-Speak Party, and I'm running for auditor. I just hope all the damn English I speak won't make the voters go crazy. I cause excessive nose bleeds all around the school because my English is fuckin' awesome. Yeah.

All the schoolwork, homework, this and that. Yeah, I've got that to worry about too. As far as I can remember, I've got three sets of homework due by tomorrow and more campaigning the same day. I can't forget boxing as well, I do this all for the sake of boxing. And music, oh God my guitar and the singing and the practicing just to get better too. Life is hectic.

I've got it all under control though, nothing to worry about. I'm Superman.

I'd make a really nice, long post but I don't have school today 'cause of the incoming storm. I'm going back to sleep, I've got plans after lunch, rain or shine.

Monday, July 18


Hey, what's new? Remember me?
How are you holding up?

Here I am, screaming at the wind, hoping for answers, hoping for you.
Was it that easy to leave behind and forget?
Was I that easy to leave behind and forget?
It's as if I'm looking for something that doesn't exist.
It's as if none of it ever did.
Will we cross paths again?
I can only hope.

Every song I sing is still yours.
Why aren't you here to listen anymore?
I miss you, still.
I hold on, still.

Sunday, July 17

ku yakin inilah waktunya.

wherefore art thou? :(

Friday, July 15

admittedly, subliminally.

For as long as I can remember, I've always believed that it's better to speak your mind and be straightforward than to just sugar coat everything with sympathy. As far as I know, sympathy never got you anything or anywhere except for self satisfaction, self pity. People get used to sympathy. It's just life. Sympathy is just a nicer way of saying someone feels bad about you. I don't know, it's just how I think.

Aside from that, I've also always thought that it's better to speak the harsh truth than to cover everything up with lies. A vast majority of people are just far too scared to face the truth, to face reality. It's going to hurt, but there's no gain without pain. If you can't face the harshness of life itself, then how the hell do you expect to survive?

Covering yourself up with lies to protect yourself from getting hurt is just pathetic. Sugarcoating yourself with sympathy doesn't make anything any better either. It just wastes your time. All these 'defense mechanisms' to protect yourself? All this negativity you surround yourself in? Don't waste your time.

Hah, I know I've talked about and posted about this before... But for someone like me, it's going to be something I need to face each and everyday. Entering a completely different lifestyle and culture, it's a fact that it shouldn't be them who should adjust to me but me who should adjust to them as unfair as it is (Although it'd be so much better if it were the other way around).

I have a habit to speak my mind and not realize I'm already hurting others with what I'm saying. As harsh as that is, that is who I am. I'm not going to change for anyone around here because I'm just not sensitive that way. I just don't care. It's so hard to live in a mindset where you can find nobody around you who can understand you, what more be able to be on level with what you're thinking of or talking about.

It's unfair, but it's the harsh truth, and like everyone out there, the harsh truth is something I've got to face too.

Thursday, July 14

when the lights go out, we'll be safe and sound.

'tis another 14th of July. How fast time flies.
I just can't move forward without taking two steps back.

Preliminaries are going on and I've been on edge since it's started.
School's great nonetheless. Being with people my age makes things worthwhile.
I've got 3 papers left before this thing ends.
Then it's back to normal. Prelims are fun.

Life's good, but still incomplete.
It's a long way to infinity.

Saturday, July 9

while the image of you shatters and fades away, i still scramble to pick up the pieces.

There's roughly 7 billion people in the world. Roughly 3.5 billion of that are the women. There are so many women... So many different kinds of women. No, I don't wanna talk about all 3.5 billion of them, I just want to talk about ones I've seen or met from my point of view. Don't judge me from what I'm about to talk about, I know I'm bashing on some women and I sure as hell know not all of you are like this, but hey, you wouldn't be offended if you weren't one of them.

I've gotten to know quite a number of women in school in the very short time I've been there. I'm not naming fingers or pointing names, I'm just speaking in general that some girls are... well, evil in a way. Some girls are like bad habits. In tagalog, we call it 'bisyo'. Like smoking or drinking, they'll give you satisfaction, they'll make you feel good... But in the long run, they'll trip you up, they'll steer you wrong, and they will hurt you bad. Worst of all, you just can't help but keep coming back 'cause they make you feel good, 'cause you think you're happy and satisfied.. 'cause you're addicted.

These kinds of women, stay VERY far away from them. They're just going to use you, take advantage of you, and when they're done using the hell out of you, they're just going to disappear and forget you even exist. They are not going to feel bad about it, because they get what they wanted out of you,so it's a lose-lose situation for us men. Now, seeing just how many women are like this in school just scares me. You can trust no one but yourself when it comes down to who you're friends with, so pick your friends... And choose wisely.

There are other kinds of girls too. Some of them are quiet, kind, mysterious... But most of the time just plain clueless. There are some who are loud, obnoxious, and attention seeking... but all that aside they're just really dim. There are also those who are in every aspect nice to you... until you have your back turned. Some who just plain look down on you, some who just think they're far better than anyone else, some who just always need to be in the spotlight, some who just gossip till their asses fall off, some who have no asses, some who are not even worth talking to because of their bitch attitude.

This is the worst aspect you could possibly see in a woman, and not all of them are like that, but hell, there are only a handful who aren't. When you get one who isn't... Well, evil in general, don't let her go, because they're the ones who are just worth your time be it friend, special someone or family. The point of this post is that no matter how horrible you think someone is, be nice anyway... Just be on guard, and don't let them take advantage of you. There is never a good reason to be bad, nor is there ever a good reason to not be nice to someone.

Now with all this on women, I wouldn't say men are any different. We're all just as bad as everyone is, not one of us here is 'clean'. Not anymore.


I've gotten out of shape, mainly because I've been sick for weeks now, and it only got worse a couple of days ago. I want so badly to get back to boxing, but I can't until I get rid of the sickness. I don't get sick easily, I'm pretty sure of that... But when I do get sick, it's pretty bad most of the time. As of right now, I've gotten better, but the headache's still there. Aside from that, I've been doing better than usual everywhere else over the last couple of weeks. A little complacency would be nice, but I just don't feel anywhere near satisfied yet.

Monday, July 4

do you feel like every song is still yours?

I feel much better now. So much better in fact I think I may be ready to get back to boxing after stopping for... 4 days. That's a pretty long time for me okay! The weather's been really nice to me nowadays as well. Not too hot, not too cold either.. I guess everything's just been falling to place. I don't know about some people but I think I'm going to enjoy college a little bit more than other people have expected. STI Las PiƱas Got Talent Auditions are tomorrow. After much contemplation, I've decided that I WANT to join the Singing Idol portion of the thing. I hope I get through those auditions alright, I don't know how these things go except the fact that I'm supposed to sing in front of some people and get judged.

Tomorrow's gonna be a long day. I miss so badly those days that always ended with you.

Saturday, July 2

you're the only light i think i ever saw.

I'm feeling really sick. I've got a cough that feels like it could turn me inside out, a dripping flu on the side and a headache mixed with some fever in between. They say I'm suffering from fatigue. Too much work, too little rest. I guess that's what happened. The last two weeks have been great to be quite honest.

School's going fine, everything from work to friends are new and it's put some new light into life, which is all good. I've only been in school for a week, and so much for first impressions, I take all that back. My class is pretty good. Aside from life in college, life at home is going fine too. I'd have to say life is going quite well, but now there's just far too many things to do, and far too little time to do it all. For now, it's just one step at a time.

New things are coming in, but old things just don't seem to want to come out.
It's been ages, but I'm not changing. I still don't think I want to.
One step at a time.